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Rikvin Singh Rekhi

Medical Student at Australian National University Rikvin moved to Canberra in 2019 after completing his degree in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology at the University of Melbourne, with his honour’s research project focused on infection and cell culture in Parasitology. He… Read More »Rikvin Singh Rekhi

Saratkrishna Sunil Menon

Medical Student at University of Newcastle After completing his secondary education in Canberra, Sarat moved to New South Wales in 2017 to study medicine at the University of Newcastle. He discovered an early passion for cardiology and hearth rhythms and… Read More »Saratkrishna Sunil Menon

Dr Deep Chandh Raja

Doctoral Cardiac Electrophysiology Fellow at the Australian National University Qualifications: MBBS Dr Deep Chandh Raja is a Doctoral Cardiac Electrophysiology Fellow at the Australian National University. He is an integral part of the Clinical Cardiac Electrophysiology and Research team headed… Read More »Dr Deep Chandh Raja

Dr Abhilash Sreevilasam Pushpangadhan

After finishing advanced cardiology training in 2010, Dr Abhilash joined Sree Chitra Tirunal Institute for Medical Sciences and Technology, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India as a faculty staff. His areas of interest includes electrophysiology, coronary interventions and device therapy for cardiac arrhythmias & heart failure. He joined Canberra hospital as a fellow in electrophysiology in August, 2019 and currently pursuing training in complex electrophysiology procedures. He works at Canberra Heart Rhythm as a research fellow and is actively involved in research projects done here. He loves to travel and enjoys driving cars.

Patient compliance – the biggest factors are patient engagement and education of the risk factors responsible for atrial fibrillation

Providing a unified message between the general physician, arrhythmia specialist and risk factor management team will provide at base reminders to achieve a successful outcome of risk factor management including weight loss Click here to view: CVI EP – Session… Read More »Patient compliance – the biggest factors are patient engagement and education of the risk factors responsible for atrial fibrillation

Meet the Masters 2019 in Kolkata, India

A/Prof. Rajeev Pathak travelled to Kolkata in India to have the Meet the Master program in 2019. He demonstrated live complex cases inclusing Posterior Papillary Muscle Ventricular Tachycardia Ablation to other health professionals interested in electrophysiology.